ISSN 2009-2237
The site occurs within an area where a cluster of Bronze Age fulachta fiadh sites have been identified.
Three burnt mounds were recorded (CO019-019, -020 and -021) within 500m of the site, while two other burnt mounds were excavated as part of this road project; Stagpark 2 (04E1121) was 800m away to the north and Mitchelstown 2 (04E1071) was 2km to the north. The intense use of this small area for the purposes of heating stones and water has produced a date range that suggests occupation on a long-term, if perhaps intermittent basis from at least the Early Bronze Age. The lower heavier wetter ground in the area was used for sites such as these. With the exception of the burnt mound at Mitchelstown 2, which was located on the northern bank of the Gradoge River, the remaining burnt mounds are not located adjacent to any known or contemporary water sources. The underlying subsoil is however a heavy clay which holds water very effectively being almost impermeable. The archaeological evidence indicates that contemporary Early Bronze Age occupation occurred on the higher drier ground, at Stagpark 1 (04E1120) 600m to the north. An extensive occupation site, dating to the Middle Bronze Age, was located on a limestone ridge on the northern bank of the Gradoge River at Mitchelstown 1 (04E1072) 2.8km to the north.
Author: Bruce Sutton
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