ISSN 2009-2237
Most of the archaeological features recorded during this excavation were pits, 26 in total, two walls and a well were also excavated. Most of the contexts were dated according to the artefacts retrieved from their fills. Therefore, pits with exclusively or almost exclusively medieval pottery were classified as medieval, whereas pits with medieval and post-medieval finds were classified as post-medieval. However, as most of the excavated features were backfilled, it is possible that some of the cut features that contained deposits, with inclusions of post-medieval artefacts, were actually open and in use in the medieval period. The remains uncovered can be divided into medieval, post-medieval and modern. The pits were in general sub-circular and oval in plan, and, with the exception of pit C.98, were on average 2.06 m in length by 1.36 m in width by 0.61 m in depth. The fills of the pits were a mix of dark grey brown silty clay with occasional inclusions of animal bone and pottery. A total of 26 pits, two walls and a well were recorded.
Author: Jacinta Kiely
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