Eachtra Journal

ISSN 2009-2237

Two Neolithic Structures and two Fulachta Fiadh at Ballinglanna North, Co. Cork

May, 2011 · Written by: Eachtra Print This Page This entry is part 5 of 37 in the Issue 10

Archaeological Excavation Report

Two Neolithic Structures and two Fulachta Fiadh

The  excavation  of  the  site  at  Ballinglanna  North  3  revealed  the  remains  of  one  well-preserved rectangular building (Structure 1) that was dated to the Early Neolithic. There was also evidence for extensive activity in the area outside Structure 1. A second building (Structure 2) was also rectangular in plan and pottery from the area suggests that this was also Early Neolithic in date. This second house was, however, disturbed and somewhat truncated. Other archaeological activity at this site included the remains of two burnt mounds/fulachta fiadh (Burnt mound 1 and 2).

Authors: Penny Johnston & John Tierney

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