Eachtra Journal

ISSN 2009-2237

Prehistoric Activity and Early Medieval Settlement Site with Iron Working at Gortnahown, Co. Cork

May, 2011 · Written by: Eachtra Print This Page This entry is part 20 of 37 in the Issue 10

Archaeological Excavation Report

Prehistoric Activity and Early Medieval Settlement Site with Iron Working

The site at Gortnahown was divided into five separate cuttings. Areas 1 and 2 comprised one cutting. Area 3 was located 80 m to the south-west. Area 4 was located 110 m south-west of Area 3 and Area 5 was located 65 m south of Area 4. Areas of activity centred on hearths were dated to the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age period. One of the hearth-side groups was associated with flint knapping. Two substantial roundhouses and two ancillary structures, including a workshop were dated to the early medieval period. Evidence for all phases of metalworking including the manufacture of bronze coated iron bells was recorded at the site. The area was enclosed by a ditch in the medieval or post-medieval period.
Evidence for Early Neolithic and Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age occupation was recorded in the form of a number of pits and post-holes in Area 3. Post-medieval pits and ditches were recorded in Area 4. The truncated remains of two possible medieval houses and a number of pits were recorded in Area 5.

Authors: Jacinta Kiely and Julianna O’Donoghue

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