Eachtra Journal

ISSN 2009-2237

Prehistoric activity and Medieval settlement site at Park, Co. Tipperary

July, 2011 · Written by: Eachtra Print This Page This entry is part 22 of 33 in the Issue 11

Archaeological Excavation Report

Prehistoric activity and Medieval settlement site

The excavation of the site at Park revealed a multiperiod site, the site extended over a distance of c.450m. The earliest phase of activity, dated to the Bronze Age, was represented by a concentration of pits, postholes and stake-holes in the western area of the site. A cluster of nine stake-holes represented the remnants of a small structure, c. 5m in diameter.
In the far western extent of the site four oval cremation pits were recorded.
A concentration of 77 pits and six hearths, dated to the medieval period, was located across the area of the excavation. A later phase of medieval activity at the site was associated with four kilns. A keyhole-shaped kiln was excavated in the western part of the site.
This comprised a flue and two chambers. Another kiln was located c. 95m west of the eastern limit of excavation. It was dumb-bell shaped and fragments of rotary querns were used as part of the stone lining. A third kiln was recorded just 90m further west. It was a stone-lined keyhole-shaped kiln and comprised two chambers and a flue. The fourth kiln was partly destroyed by a later ditch. Quern stone fragments were recovered from the fills of three pits, two kilns and two ditches. Limited evidence for metalworking was recorded at the site, slag was found in two of the ditches, four pits and a hearth.
Several ditches extended across the site. Eight of the ditches may be medieval in origin and these were possibly associated with medieval enclosures and were probably contemporary with activity at the kilns. A small portion of an enclosure, c. 10m by 18m internally, was recorded at the western end of the site. It extended beyond the LMA to the south. No features were excavated in the interior. Fifteen of the ditches were interpreted as modern field boundaries.

Author: Gerry Mullins

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