Eachtra Journal

ISSN 2009-2237

A well at Caherweelder 4, Co. Galway (E3708)

October, 2010 · Written by: Eachtra Print This Page This entry is part 7 of 23 in the Issue 08

Archaeological Excavation Report


This report constitutes the final excavation report of a recorded (GA103:084) well in the townland of Caherweelder, Co. Galway. The site was excavated as part of the archaeological excavation programme in advance of construction for N18 Gort to Oranmore road scheme. The site was located within the lands acquired for the scheme and was identified during the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and was subject to archaeological testing at Phase 1 (E3708) which identified the remains of the backfilled well.

A well, marked on the Down Survey map from the 1650s was named as Peter’s Well on the first edition Ordnance Survey map and was listed as a Recorded Monument (GA103:084). Local information suggests that the well was backfilled about 100 years ago and that a nearby pool known as Toberawoneen Pool was deepened and widened by machine and replaced it as the local well. The excavation revealed the location of the blocked up well which was identified by the remains of a stone revetment which enclosed it. A number of ditches and the possible remains of a hard standing were also identified.

The well appears to have been a very simple structure and nothing was found to expand or contradict the historical information gleaned from the landowner, Mr Greaney. The well was identified on the Down Survey map from the 1650s and was in use up to 100 yeas ago. The well bears the name Peter’s well but has no known religious associations. It is one of a number of wells in Caherweelder townland with Toberawoneen Pool located to the north and William Connolloy’s well to the north-west. A small spring named Pollbaun is located to the south. These small functional wells are a feature of the south Galway landscape. Another well was excavated at Ballyglass West in association with a Bronze Age burnt mound during the course of the current project. The well at Caherweelder is also located close to a number of burnt mound sites (Caherweelder 1, 2, 3 5 and 6). This association reflects the valuable commodity that is a reliable water source across all time periods.

Authors: Enda O’Mahony & Finn Delaney

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