Eachtra Journal

ISSN 2009-2237

A burnt mound at Roevehagh 1, Co. Galway (E3885)

October, 2010 · Written by: Eachtra Print This Page This entry is part 21 of 23 in the Issue 08

Archaeological Excavation Report

Burnt mound

This report constitutes the final excavation report for a porrly preserved burnt mound in the townland of Roevehagh, Co. Galway. The site was excavated as part of the archaeological excavation programme in advance of construction for N18 Gort to Oranmore Road scheme. The site was found within the CPO for the scheme during Phase 1 archaeological testing.

This was a small, porrly preserved burnt mound from which a Late Bronze Age date was returned. A shallow trough contained a number of stakeholes in the base of the pit. No finds were found. One Late Bronze Age date was returned from the basal fill of the trough.

The burnt mound in Roevehagh is located on slightly raised ground on the northern edge of a former turlough. The preference for locating burnt mound sites on wetland margins has been consistently noted by other commentators (Gowen et al 2005 and Grogan 2007). Grogan (2007) states that in the ‘Mooghaun area of south-east Clare the majority of fulachta fiadh occur along the margins of turloughs, bogs and marshy areas’. The burnt mound sites at Caherweelder (to the south) and Moyveela (to the north) which were excavated as part of the same programme of excavations as the present site also had a similar location on slightly raised ground on the edge of a turlough.

Authors: Tori McMorrany & Finn Delaney

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