ISSN 2009-2237
Mary Sleeman is giving a short talk in the Cork County Library on 26th August (3pm- 4pm) as part of the Library Heritage Week programme, on the Post Medieval survey that was carried out by the Cork Archaeological Survey (1982-2007). These files have been scanned by the Department of Environment and are available in digital format in the CountyLibrary. Mary will be demonstrating how to access this information on the day.
This is an excellent and readily available source of information. The Post Medieval survey was a systematic survey of all named buildings on the 1st edition OS maps. The record includes a Record Sheet (sketch elevations, plans and key information); photographs and a short diary entry; there is also a detailed photographic record of all the towns and villages in Co. Cork. It is highly recommended that anyone who is involved in the study of architecture (from conservation to assessment) should avail of this source of information.
These files are also available in the Irish Architectural Archive and the Department of the Environment.