ISSN 2009-2237
27th-28th May 2011
School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology
Queen’s University, Belfast
Prof. Helle Vandkilde, University of Aarhus
Dr Joanna Brück, University College Dublin
If the assumption that prehistoric identities are intrinsically intertwined with the physical remnants of material culture is accepted, then how can the archaeological record be interpreted to help us understand who our predecessors were? Where does the individual end and the collective begin?
This two-day symposium will explore the theme of identity within a pan-European prehistoric context, with a focus on Ireland and northwest Britain. Speakers will present a case study to discuss the role that the construction and consumption of artefacts, settlement, burial, or ritual monuments has had in generating and maintaining a social identity within a small geographic region, or on a wider, island-wide or intra-island scale.
Material culture of the dead
Material culture of the living
Architectural and ritual expressions
Our construct or theirs?
Debate session
Registration Fee: Free to all
For further details and a registration form:
Deadline for registration: 13th May 2011.