Eachtra Journal

ISSN 2009-2237

Roscrea Spring Conference 2013

April, 2013 · Written by: John Tierney Print This Page This entry is part 2 of 8 in the Issue 16

The 52th Consecutive Conference - 5th - 6th April, 2013

at Mount St Joseph Abbey, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

Roscrea and the Irish midlands in the late twelfth and early thirteenth-centuries; celebrating the first formal record of Parliament in Ireland and the building of the castle: Roscrea 1213.


Friday 5th April


The Council of Roscrea, 1213: crown, context and consequences, Dr Adrian Empey

Saturday 6th April


The Gaelic background and reaction to the AngloNorman incursion in the SW midlands, and Roscrea in particular, in the late twelfth and early thirteenth-centuries, Dr Edel Bhreathnach, Deputy Director, Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Institute, UCD


An Earthen Castle at Roscrea and a Stone Castle in Nenagh c1213, Con Manning, Senior Archaeologist, Dept Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht


Roscrea 800: commemorating 800 years of a castle at Roscrea. Its story illustrated over the centuries to the present day, George Cunningham

Sunday 7th April


The poets and chroniclers of the midlands in the twelfth and thirteenth-centuries, Edel Bhreathnach


The crosslands of medieval Tipperary, Adrian Empey

Part attendance at the conference is possible or attendance at just one lecture is possible for a nominal fee.

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