ISSN 2009-2237
The excavation of the site in Area 1 at Greenhills 2 comprised a mound of burnt material.
The mound was located on the eastern side of a shallow boggy hollow. Four troughs, 18 pits, five post-holes and 52 stake-holes were recorded in the area of the mound. The site was truncated by modern ditches and field drains. A flint scraper, four pieces of flint and chert debitage and a quartzite rubbing stone were recovered from the topsoil and the fills of the trough, modern post-hole and ditch. Two Early Bronze Age dates were returned from the fill of a trough and the fill of a pit.
Area 2 was located 60 m to the east of Area 1. The archaeological material in this part of the site comprised ex-situ layers of burnt mound material and two pits. The site was truncated by modern ditches and drains.
Author: Jacinta Kiely
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